A course is a self-paced online program that includes various types of materials within its modules or chapters. Self-paced learning allows you to study at your own convenience and on your own schedule.
To create a new course:
- Click on Courses on the navigation bar and then click Add Course.
- Select an appropriate Course Type as Single Subject or Multiple Subject Course
- Enter the required details e.g.: Title, Code, Duration, etc. and click the Submit button. Now, you will be able to see the newly created course in the Course list.
- Now click on your newly created Course and then click Add Chapter/Module to add a Chapter/Module. Enter the Chapter/Module Name and click the Save button. You will see the Chapter/Module has been added.
- Click on the Chapter/Module you just added and click on the Add Content button to add content to the Chapter/Module.
- You can upload content in following formats: HTML, PDF, Video, DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, XLS/XLSX, Image, Assignment, Practice Test, Poll, Survey, Link, SCORM, etc. Details of the type of content you can upload to AlphaLearn LMS.
- Once you have uploaded your content and your course is ready for enrollment, you can Register your Trainees and then Enroll Trainees to the Course.