Top Technical Skills for the Future Workplace

What is a Technical Skill?

Technical Skills, as the name suggests, are the required coding knowledge, abilities, & skills that are required in today’s tech savvy workplaces. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is completely redefining how today’s businesses operate. Now that most tasks are automated, manual work is slowly being phased out and technical knowledge or creativity is what employers are looking for from their ‘human’ workforce. One needs to learn the most in-demand skills to keep pace with this trend of automation.

Why do Technical Skills Matter?

Employees with additional technical skills are often better at multitasking. With an advanced technical ability, one feels more confident to speak to peers and clients. A technically sound employee also saves employers money as they already are in-sync with the latest trends and more productive at their jobs. Additionally, they can prevent and solve any tech problems easily even before they occur. Thus such in-demand technical skills not only makes one more efficient but also boosts confidence, which makes one more desirable and valuable candidate for employers. Candidates with such skills often receive higher pay and hence it’s important for all employees to improve technical skills.

Key Technical Skills for Graduates

A McKinsey report states that 94% of engineering graduates aren’t employable as the syllabus and skills they are taught are outdated. There is a dire need to address this critical issue but a newbie techie is often unaware of what technical abilities will fetch him a job. To start with let’s focus on a few important skills graduates currently need to find a place in today’s job market.

Key Technical Skills for Graduates

A McKinsey report states that 94% of engineering graduates aren’t employable as the syllabus and skills they are taught are outdated. There is a dire need to address this critical issue but a newbie techie is often unaware of what technical abilities will fetch him a job. To start with let’s focus on a few important skills graduates currently need to find a place in today’s job market.

  • Basic programming

    Often graduates learn the theory of programming but don’t have hands-on experience. Graduates who know coding and basic programming, are preferred by employers as they require minimal training for programming related tasks.

  • Project Management

    Project planning, project roadmaps, and objectives, meeting deadlines are the core of any product or service company. The project management skills of a candidate is highly valued and recognized by any potential employer. These are the skills that will give employees a chance to get noticed and move up the managerial ladder.

Most In-Demand Tech Skills for 2020

Whether you want to start your career or switch fields, this list will help you decide what is an apt choice for you. Maximize your marketability by pursuing these most in-demand tech skills for the future. There’s a huge appetite for Big Data Analytics, Machine learning, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, IoT and Cybersecurity.

  • Big Data Analytics

    All businesses take their major strategic decisions based on Big Data. Hence, mastering Big Data is a must for all techies in this era. Along with programming, data mining and data visualization skills, knowledge on SQL, familiarity with public & hybrid cloud, business domain and big data tools are added advantages. Big data analysis is widely used in various sectors, banking, retail, healthcare, etc. It gives businesses vital information to analyze their state in the market, their competitors and helps to make smarter business moves. Understanding how data works and arriving at actionable decisions from data is one of the key strengths that employers look for in key hires.

  • Blockchain

    Blockchain has evolved in the past few years to become the new paradigm of transparency. Some say it could evolve into a whole new web ecosystem that’s more decentralized and transparent. Now that the Supreme Court has lifted the ban imposed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on virtual currency trading, including cryptocurrencies, it will create a lot of new opportunities in tech, like bitcoin startups, blockchain developers, and entry-level crypto jobs. Mastering skills such as coding for Dapps and Blockchain engineering is sure to give you an edge in the job market.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) specialist recruitments has grown 74% annually in the past 4 years. Implementing AI in businesses, mostly to incorporate it in data analysis and user experience was one of the main agendas last year for many tech organizations.

  • Data Science & Analytics

    Data Science is an amalgamation of multidisciplinary fields focused on finding patterns, drawing useful information and actionable insights from large sets of raw and structured data. The processing and performing statistical analysis on existing datasets is Data Analytics. These two kinds of skills are in-demand consistently which makes it one of the highest-paying jobs.

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

    The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the connection, sync, applications of billions of physical devices around the world connected to the internet. 21 billion devices are estimated to be internet-connected by the end of 2020. As more and more people are adopting smart devices into their homes faster than ever, IoT devices are becoming a part of the mainstream. This presents a huge opportunity for those who understand the inner workings of these devices or can code software that operates these devices.

How to Improve Technical Skills?

Business leaders are constantly strategizing, designing, and collaborating to enhance the productivity of work, workplace, and workforce. As a result, it is more important than ever to enable businesses with cutting-edge technologies. This is where digital transformation of companies and processes plays a key role.

52% of company Learning & Development (L&D) leaders in a Udemy survey stated that technical skills training is their top priority for training in 2020. Let’s find out what L&D managers and leaders should be doing to keep pace with the continuously updating technologies.

  • Monitor Technology Trends

    The management should always be on a lookout for new technology trends; ways how it might impact the business, and what capabilities will enable the organization to deliver projects efficiently. Read Tech Publications, monitor other non-tech companies, attend industry events to know how businesses from different industries are innovating by applying new technologies.

    Identifying which technologies will be more effective for your industry is another important factor. Follow tech experts and business gurus to explore what worked for them. Huddle with your peers, customers, business partners, to know what new technologies they are applying to innovate.

  • Create Upskilling Programs for Employees

    Needless to say, to meet the skills gap between existing and required skill sets, L&D departments should be arranging training but for both – the tech and non-tech teams. The technical skills required evolves every 2 years making the existing skill set obsolete, hence the workforce needs to be periodically retrained. Training fuels motivation and confidence that they can thrive through the latest changes easily. Incorporate engaging learning techniques like lunch-and-learn sessions for staff who can not allot time for formal training. Arrange virtual learning, microlearning, training session reimbursement or assistance for employees working remotely or from different locations.

  • Use an LMS to Streamline Upskilling process

    Use a Learning System Management (LMS) or platform to streamline the corporate training requirements. It helps in organizing all kinds of eLearning content in one location and provides unlimited access to the learning materials. To ensure that your teammates and employees are meeting their performance milestones, LMS lets you keep track of learner progress.

    LMS also allows trainers and businesses to create multimedia learning content. Being more comprehensive and practical, these learning materials include text, images, video, and audio serves as great tools in learning and absorbing new technical skills.

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